2011. 2. 26.

Ok, this is day two.. and because Sandra wasn't with me, I didn't have camera ahahaha
so... there's my friend Kim with iphone who took... TWO pictures..ahahah

Sorry guys, next time i promise to bring camera and work hard .. :P

Milan Fashion Week 2011 A/W

One day of
Milan Fashion Week

I usually didnn't take camera with me ...because I am always in hurry and too lazy to take picture,
but this time, there was my friend Sandra, who's starting as blogger that asked me to bring the camera.
So thanks to her I could get some pictures :3

2011. 2. 22.

Surma people

I guess they are Ethiopian tribes. Though Surma people are famous for lip plates, I got interested in their body painting.
Actually I did a project about them last year!! colours, fabrics(actually flowers and leaves), their artistic strokes were soooo inspiring.!! actually I think Vivienne westwood might like them too or maybe already know about these people. They are kind of artists aren't they? :3  Check out "Natural Fashion-Tribal Decoration from Africa" by Hans Silverster for more information. There are loads of pictures of these people.


Quentin Jones

When I heard about the fashion brand that he worked for, i was little bit wondering how it would if.
But think he did really good job connecting the identity of brand with his style.

I am still looking for artist that can match for Vivienne, what about him?


Rick Owens



I love his s2010 collection and the last one. Love love him.
So avant garde so elegant with the ironic and dark-puzzled style. 
He's friend with Garegh pugh and get inspired each other a lot as you can see.

It is really cool too see friends mentoring each other. 
How cool is it?


RAD by Rad Hourani


Born in 1982! GOsh!  HE is really young!

Anyway, I found him.... really "Korean style" if you know what i mean.
even if colorful style is coming out for spring, there's still some part of world that prefer black. ... sadly i love it.
i say sadly because i was gonna be more colofour , but at the end i am back falling in black lol


2011. 2. 20.

Qui êtes-vous, Polly Maggoo?

maybe u guys have seen this quite famous film by William Klein.
DD posted about him a couple of months ago


2011. 2. 16.

Malcolm Edwards

Researching for some hairdesigners that can match Vivienne Westwood, found this guy.
Well, it is really familiar name becaz you see he's name everywhere when you are hanging out with fashion magazines.
But as hair designer, i didnt pay that attention so far.. and i am being really amazed now, looking at works that he hve been doing!

/He's been working for Marc Jacobs as well, so thought will be the one who sould collaborate with Vivienne..
What do u think?



I am verry happy to introduce you this korean designer.
WEll, he is born in Germany.. so as always, we cannot say that he's 100% KOrean.. I mean will be really cool to find some it people that show's how the culture and the life in Korea can make you "IT"

Anyway, I found this guy and fall in love.'
I really love it. I love he's style, he's jock with headwears and everything.
He's new and young. cannot wait to see how he's gonna be in futuere as well !


2011. 2. 12.

Gabriel Orozco(1962- )

Gabriel orozco is a Mexican artist.
He shows his own ideas by sculptures, drawings, photographs....all sorts of methods.
Actually I'm doing a project related to his work..! 
Translating movements into simple geometrical shapes 

I prefer these two.!!! It is interesting to see these shapes following the movements of the sports players

lights through the leaves...as tiny shapes of circles

this car is re-made by Gabriel Orozco--
he actually divided a normal car into three pieces
 and discarded the middle piece to make a new car by putting the side pieces together. 


2011. 2. 4.

Irving Penn


After Martin Munkácsi , here's one of the first photographers to pose subjects against a simple grey or white backdrop . He also was the first who talked about "real life" in 50s.  With the perfect beauthiful models for fashion editorials he took  also pains to acknowledge mortality and decay, focusing his more personal work on cigarette butts, sidewalk detritus.

Frederik heyman

Frederik Heyman is a photographer from Antwerp, Belgium.
He often works with fashion designers like Henrik Vibskov, Bruno Pieters,
and always creates wonderful images.


