2011. 1. 28.


Starstyling is kind of an unisex fashion brand from germany.
By using holograms and different colours, geometric prints they create interesting pieces.
Below are randomly posted images from their past collections from starstyling website :



Phyllis Galembo

Other similar artist that I found...
 Master of Fine Arts (Photography/Printmaking) , is the definition of him on his biographic.

Nick Cave can do performance and Phyllis Galembo the exhibition... or they also can collaborate... I actually remember that i have heard themm doing project together, i should check for it...

I am but afraid that might be TOO MUCH , I mean, they are really colourfur strong artists, so it might be too much to collaborate with Vivienne who has strong identity as well.

I should do more research.. more studying.. buuuuu


Anyway, if you wanna see more about hime, check his site:


Nick Cave

 Best known for Soundsuits artis: wearable fabric sculptures that are bright, whimsical, and other-worldly.
Also american fabric sculptor, dancer, and performance artist... ..
I thought he might be the one to work with Vivienne Westwood ... What do you guys think?
He's mixing soundart with fashion. Vivienne borned with Punk music, and is always going further.

Nick cave is far from the punck music, but now that things are changing with Vivienne as well, I thought will be great chance for the upcoming topic, collaborating with him.


2011. 1. 26.

Riccardo Tisci's studio

Riccardo Tisci, head designer of Givenchy is the youngest couturier in history.
He is one of my favorite designers... and while searching youtube, I found this video showing his studio!
Though it is 2years ago and really short, I thought it was interesting to see him standing
in his studio explaining his own designs.

I was interested in the fact that Riccardo likes to mix up totally different ideas when he develops his own collection, such as David bowie and Africa.
While studying fashion, I've always learnt that when u think of a concept that mixes up different things u should have a specific reason or at least think really hard about why u want to mix them up.
However he looked as if he was just mixing them up for a better design-- a better looking.
Nobody cares about why David bowie has to mix up with Africa, they just like the gorgeous outfit...inspired by those two things.
and I'm thinking again about concept<design or concept>design 
maybe the latter should be called more "artistic"?

plus==  Givenchy Spring 2011 couture images from style.com 
this time inspired from Japanese dancer Kazuo Ohno


2011. 1. 25.

Erwin Wurm

Researching artist that can work for fashion brand.

I actually have to find for Vivienne and other Marangoni' student's collection.
But doing research, found Erwin Wurm, that I like.

It can match maybe with Jil Sander or Balenciaga.. just with the form of jacket,you can say martin margiela as well.. :3


Steven Meisel

Did I already write 'bout him?

well, it doesnt matter. He's doing so much tremendous job with fashion marketing.
Here's some of his works in 2011 for advertising in fashion business.

1.Prada s/s 2011
Down there, there's video of ad campaign 2011.
Can you see how he anounced the begining of spring season with vivid color,with sense of humor; funess, free spirited with crazyness? You should also compare with the video of  Missoni that has worked with similar color but in different way.

Mariacarla Boscono,Tatiana Cotliar,Arizona Muse,Zuzana Bijoch,Kinga Rajzak -Model
Melissa Klitzke-Rubini- Fashion Editor/Stylist / Guido Palau - Hair Stylist / Pat McGrath- Makeup Artist
Mary Howard- Set Designer

2.Lavin s/s 2011

Iselin Steiro , Kinga Rajzak - Model / Alber Elbaz- Fashion Editor/Stylist /Guido Palau- Hair Stylist
Pat McGrath- Makeup Artist /Mary Howard - Set Designer

3.  Louis Vuitton s/s2011

Freja Beha Erichsen- Model / Kristen McMenamy- Model / Raquel Zimmermann - Model
Mary Howard- Set Designer

4.Dior s/s 2011

Karlie Kloss - Model / Edward Enninful - Fashion Editor/Stylist  / Pat McGrath - Makeup Artist
Garren - Hair Stylist / Mary Howard- Set Designer

..Did Dior har less profit last year? ... Its... so ...non-lusso... compared its competitors.. isn' it?

5.Balenciaga s/s2011

Yuri Pleskun, Gisele Bundchen- Model // Marie-Amélie Sauvé- Fashion Editor/Stylist /
Guido Palau- Hair Stylist / Pat McGrath - Makeup Artist / Mary Howard - Set Designer

Did'n have much to say of Balenciaga... I love Balenciaga's last collection thought :3

Well well well..
THose are advertising that Steven Meisel did so far... HE also worked for Vogue Italia editorial and cover(2011 Jan) and Vogue Korea Cover (2011 Jan) ...  AND that's just for 2011, that has been only 2 month passed.. can't I say he's the most influent photographer of fashion business?!?

Prada Spring/Summer 2011 Ad Campaign

 Steven Meisel

Models: Mariacarla Boscono, Arizona Muse, Kinga Razjak, Zuzanna Bijoch, Tati Cotliar

Well, I guess vivid color is back on trend!
 you guys should so see the windows of Jil Sander Botique in Milan! It says all!

2011. 1. 23.

ann demeulmeester 11 f/w collection

아마 2008년 여름때 였다.
빈둥대던 더운여름날에 아는 지인의 소개로
외국의 유명브랜드가 가로수길에 런칭된다는 이야기를 듣고
덤덤한 마음으로 인턴에 참여했다.
솔직히 말이좋아서 인턴이고 핼퍼지 그냥 일용직 파출부라는걸
패션종사자들은 알것이다.
그리하여 무대와 조명들이 설치되고 전체적인 쇼가 어떻게 진행될것
이라는데 관계자에게 세부적인 내용을 듣고
내가 해야될것들 , 모델들에게 어떤식으로 옷을 입힐것이며
내가 맡은 모델과 나의 소통이 중요하다는것
특히나 나는 메인모델을 맡았는데
그모델은 당일컬렉션에서 4번이나 옷을 갈아입었다.
그리그리하여 나는 점심 저녁도 대충 주변 편의점에서
5분만에 해치운뒤 거의 반나절동안
이일저일 하느라 정신나간사람 마냥 ,,,,

그렇게 쇼는 끝났고
애프터 파티에서도 먹다남은 음식으로
허기를 달래고
일당도 없이 순수한 의미의 헬퍼로 쇼를 끝냈다.

나중에서야 알게되었지만
그쇼가 앤드뮐 미스터였고
내가 참가한쇼에 앤드뮐 미스터 중요관계자및
내가 눈앞에서 본모델들이 우리나라에서
손꼽는다고 하는 모델들이라는걸 뒤늦게 알았다.

얼마전까지 앤의 쇼가
갈피를 못잡는다는 느낌을 많이받았다.
그녀의 쇼가 다분히 아방가르드하고 goth?한 느낌이 많기때문에
그리고 그전까지만 해도 이런식의 컬렉션은 좀처럼 찾아보기 힘들었기 때문에
 현재 일본내
이런식의 noir 컬렉션의 대,소규모 브랜드 들도 아마
영향을 많이 받았으리라 짐작된다.

julius , rick owens , viridian , sistere , ekam

최근에는 성격이 다른 john varvatos나
 damir doma 도
비슷한 느낌을 많이 받았다.

다른컬렉션은 몰라도 그녀의 컬렉션만큼
앞으로도 짙은 색깔을 가졌으면 좋겠다.
누가봐도 "ann demeulmeester 구나" 라고 느낄만큼.

