2011. 1. 22.

Alejandro Jodorowsky

The Holy Mountain (1974)                           Santa Sangre(1989)

He is filmmaker, playwright, composer and writer.

Wow,,, wow wow wow
it's what I kept sayin watching whole film.

well.. well well

I actually hated when I watched " The Holy Mountain" at first time.
No story, really strong surreal images, was hard to watch.

But it had its personality, its color, its style its character.
And then, on Christmas, with Oscar and other firends , we watched Santa Sangre.
Ahaha it's funny because his films are hybrid blend of mysticism and religious provocation.

I guess, after couple years he got worked more for it
If"The Holy Mountain" hit me with his particular images
 "Santa Sangre" added the lovely sad historical  story of this boy that made a "real film'.

Unfourtunally I did not have "Santa Sangre" in my pc,
so I got to capture just some scenes of "The Holy Mountain" :3

+ Both films were withdrawn from circulation for more than 30 years( until 2004) with Allen klein's power.
The film could be found just with poor qualitiy, making sporadic, bootleg appearances on video –Jodorowsky was unable to show or distribute the films legally


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