2010. 12. 14.

<SHOP SHOWstudio!> 

SHOWstudio,  well known for Nick night's fabulous works and others
has an interesting on-line shop. 
from martin margiela's painted blazer to lady gaga head piece---
u can see interesting stuffs here! 

닉나이트의 감도높은 작업들로 유명한 SHOWstudio에서 온라인샵을 운영하고 있다는것을
이제 알아서 올려본다.! 
마르지엘라의 흰페인트로 밀어버린 블레이저와 
레이디가가가 착용하고 나오는 희안한 머리장식들까지 신기하고 재밌는 물건들이 많다 

like... below! 
아래의 것들처럼..! 

                       Union Jack
                        JOHN GALLIANO,2001
                              £ 25,000

£ 15,000

Blonde Lips
£ 8,000

Painted Blazer

                    "O" (Pickle Jar)
                      JEFFRY MITCHELL, 2005
               £ 4,600

By YH 

2010. 12. 12.

Design Korea 2010 "in Hannam" project 

11월 부터 약 한달간 한남동 멕시코대사관 주변의 10여개의 주택들을
30여명의 작가들의 생활공간,전시공간,작품공간으로
시민들에게 상시개방하여, 관객과의 소통을  도모하는 프로젝트.
과정을 보여준다는 재미와 생동감을 !

For a month, about 30 artists are allowed to use 10 residences around Mexico embassy
as their art studio and gallery. 10 places are always open to everybody so they can see
what the artist is doing.! It is in progress til 30th dec,
making Hannamdong(where this event is taking place) exciting and fun!

2010.12.10 The White Night 

in hannam project 중 하나로, 위의 전시공간중 5개를 파티장소로 활용하여
작가들이 꾸민공간과 작업물들을 보면서
360sound의 공연과 레이저쑈 등을 관람할 수 있었다.

<The white night> is one of the 'in hannam project' .
House parties were held in 5 of the residences, allowing us drinking, watching
artists' works and places they've decorated.
There were also a laser show and a fabulous performance by 360sound.

writing with lights from KYHZ on Vimeo.

위의 동영상은 작가들의 작업중 일부로
노트북 상단의 작은 카메라에 불빛으로 글씨나 그림을 그리면
흰 벽에 글씨를 쓰는듯한 효과를 주는 작업이었다.

The video above shows one of the artist's work.
If you move a light( any light including cellphone backlight) in front of the
small camera of the macbook, it appears on the white wall.
A guy called Frank was writing his name while I was recording this video.

아파트 벽면에 영상을 쏘았다
movies on walls of apartments!
마당이 큰 집에서는 모닥불을 피웠다. 

Beeeen meets q - 김민규 작가의 작품으로 볏짚으로 방을 가득 채웠다.
a room was filled with straw !

비록 규모가 크지 않았고, 파티라기보다 전시회라고 하는 것이 더 어울리는 행사였지만
집을 개방한다는 아이디어와, 한남동이라는 장소를 선택했다는 점.
그리고 사람들이 쉽게 공감할 수 있는 재미있는 작품들이 보여졌다는 점은 충분히 강점이였다.

파티나 전시회를 할 때 꼭 큰 전시장이나 홀을 빌려서 한다기보다
이렇게 동네와 어우러지는 이벤트를 개최하는 것도 흥미로울 듯 하다.


2010. 12. 11.




Sites that i go when im tired of my music list


Found this cool brand that want to share. It's just borned in 2007.
seems to do cloth with graphic details ; simple and clean.
Wanna see how will gonna grow up this brand lately. :3

by DD


henrik vibskov graduated from central st. martins in london and has for several years been creative in visual arts, film, music and has been running the fashion label henrik vibskov since 2001 from his base in copenhagen. he shows regularly during mens week in paris.

the thing that I love is his innovative style, that plays with shapes but often with great reference to traditional tailoring. With new color combinations and shapes makes up new style.
The mix of shpes reminds me a lot of comme des garson( I have so much talk 'bout it, so wait for it :P), which is one other my favorite brand.

for more info of of Henrik Vibskov:

by DD

Gareth pugh

You cannot miss show studio when you think Gareth Pugh.
Well, Gareth Pugh is one of my favorith designer, but the thing that makes him even perfetc is art works that he does besides of his collection.

Pugh started collaborate with show studio ( I will talk about it later with Nick Knight) since 2005,  and he comunicated his brand throught videos collaborated with show studio.

Style.com describes Pugh as the "latest addition to a long tradition of fashion-as-performance-art that stretches back through Alexander McQueen,John Galliano, and Vivienne Westwood to the eighties club culture of Leigh Bowery."


Andy Goldsworthy 

I'm really interested in Land Art these days -- and Andy Goldsworthy is  one of the most famous 
land artists!  He uses ice, rocks, flowers ..whatever in nature to create his artwork 
and it seems brilliant..!! though the pieces won't last forever, it makes me feel something different
from other digital/ artificial works. 
It might sound a bit obvious but I think we should sometimes get away from this 
electronic/digital world (though I'm usually really into it)
and instead pay attention to nature, hearing its voice , feeling peace.  



Rivers and Tides from Jarrive on Vimeo.


2010. 12. 10.

undercover for nike-GYAKUSOU

why i run with jun takahashi

"why i run"이라는 주제로 이루어진 캠페인
특히 세계적인 스포츠 브랜드 NIKE와, 서브 브랜드에서 하이엔드까지
진화해온 UC와의 작업이라는 점이 눈에 띈다.
이와 같이 최근 20세기 후반과 21세기 들어서
다양한 브랜드간의 collboration이 이루어지는데

다가올 UNDERCOVER의뉴컬렉션이 기대된다.


2010. 12. 5.

William Klein

By call of Alexander Liberman, Klein started to work for Vogue, but before then he was artist of painting and sculpture and writer. His book "Life is good for you in NY" talks about the tough life with ironic crude,
aggressive and vulgar point of view.
From 1955 to 1965 Klein worked for vogue. he preferred to photograph his models out in the street or on location.
He was not particularly interested in fashion. He used this opportunity to reasearch the picture making process by introducing new techniques to fashion photography,making fashion an area of innovation in
"I hated fashion world, I hated fashion people exepct the girls" said him.
His step was out of trend, he's works was considered revolutionary for being "ambivalent and ironic approach to the world of fashion."

Nina and Simone, Piazza de Spagna, Rome ( Vogue) 1960

Pont Alexander III, Paris, 1960

Hat and Five Roses, Paris, 1956


Vogue Paris

Lara en reve

Vogue Paris
published: February 2009

Nan Goldin - Photographer
Lara Stone - Model
Anastasia Barbieri - Fashion Editor/Stylist
Tom Pecheux - Makeup Artist
Stephane Lancien - Hair Stylist

" I didn know that blignt effected the color film" cit.

Nan Goldin

Wasnt sure with which image, which story should start this blog.
I'm going little bit by side publishin 'bout Nan Goldin, but i thought its cool anyway because she's one of my favorite photographer.

I admire her because she lived life that i cannot never be. yes, it's terrible and sometimes people discuss 'bout how she made people miserable. But she helped people open their eyes and know about the other side of the world.